Staple Plain, Quantock Hills – location guide

8th December 2012

Inspiration comes to me at the oddest of times, regardless of occasion, time of day or place. Rarely is the potential for a photographic location out of my mind. After all, some of the best ideas come when they’re least expected.

Berrow Beach, Somerset – location guide

7th May 2012

One aspect of photography that I find most appealing and challenging is finding my own unique view of a place, particularly at coastal locations that receive lots of visitors. So when I visited Berrow Beach I sought to find something different from the well known pictures of it.

Glastonbury Tor: photographs from the Somerset Levels

29th January 2012

Since I began taking landscape photographs, Glastonbury Tor has been one of my most frequently visited subjects. The atmosphere of misty sunrises on the Somerset Levels is very special indeed; it’s the reason so many legends are associated with the area.

Somerset Levels – location guide

22nd November 2011

The flat landscape of the Somerset Levels stretches for miles, broken only by odd hills here and there. Glastonbury Tor is the most well known of these hills and it’s easy to see why; on misty mornings it appears like an island in an ethereal white sea.

Semerwater, North Yorkshire – location guide

23rd October 2011

After five days of overcast Yorkshire weather I was beginning to think I might return from a week in Wensleydale without seeing the sun. A sudden break in the weather meant I would have a few hours’ light to play with so I earmarked Semerwater, the largest lake in North Yorkshire, as my location.

Winsford Hill, Somerset – location guide

1st November 2010

Planning an autumn visit to Exmoor, one of my main hopes was to convey the beauty of the bleakness of the moors. I thought a lone tree on a windswept hill might provide the perfect opportunity for this as I’ve often seen such trees when driving through the area.

The Billy Palmer Chronicles book cover

15th February 2010

I recently received the finished copies of the book “The Billy Palmer Chronicles” by Derek Johns. Portobello books contacted me as they wanted to use my image Holy Sunrise as the background for the book cover.

What not to do when taking landscape photos

11th February 2010

During my photographic adventures I have learnt quite a few things, most of which are probably common sense but didn’t seem to be to me at the time! The majority of these have been learnt whilst taking landscape photos but they may apply to other situations too.